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Parliament Hill

High Achieving andHappy

Students' achievements and Parliament Hill Awards


  • Parliament Hill School got awarded 'Outstanding' by Ofsted



The inspection took place in May 2024 and in July we received The Ofsted report, which recognised the school as an outstanding place for pupils to study by providing outstanding quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and, leadership and management. 

Full report


  • Arkwright Engineering Scholarship 

    In 2022 some product design students were approached with the opportunity to apply for an Arkwright engineering scholarship. This scholarship includes many opportunities within the engineering world, mentoring and financial benefits for both scholars and their schools. We found out this month that myself and one other student were successful in our applications and we will be attending the award ceremony for this next month. The application process in which we had to go through to gain this award was very rigorous and was composed of many parts. We had to do an online form, a written aptitude exam and finally, once we successfully passed through these two stages, an online interview with engineers from Arkwright. This process was extremely useful to those who applied as it mirrors many aspects of UCAS applications and helped us familiarise ourselves with this process in preparation for next year. Finding out I had been awarded this scholarship was such an amazing feeling, and both, myself and Carmen, are extremely grateful for this incredible opportunity.

    By Maisy 

  • During their time at Parliament Hill every student takes part in the exciting First Give Programme, designed to build a stronger community and upskill future leaders. First Give offers students the opportunity to research and raise awareness of a social issue of their choice and then present their project to their peers, school and local community. Students compete against each other in Teams to win £1000 for their chosen charity by delivering professional presentations showcasing their creativity, public speaking skills and passion for social justice. 

    The programme makes a huge impact on our local community, not only through fundraising but also by raising the profiles of smaller and local charities. The most recent winners of the project were interviewed by the Ham & High newspaper who were most impressed with their commitment to social action. They were also so inspiring that First Give have now completed a case study on their project which takes pride of place on their website.

    'Parliament Hill Students Complete Meaningful Social Action In Camden'


  • National Above and Beyond Awards in February 2019. Parliament won in 2 categories, beating off stiff competition from schools across the UK: Inspirational Extra-Curricular Provision and Effective provision in Schools.
  • Well-Being and Good Mental Health provision Area of Excellence by Challenge Partners in
    March 2019.
  • Gold Potential Plus UK Award for ‘Excellent provision for students with high learning potential’ in September 2019.
  • PHS was recognised by SSAT under the Framework of Educational Excellence for the exceptional Professional Learning offered to staff, parents and other schools in 2019.
  • SSAT Educational Outcomes Award in 2019 for being in the top 10% of non-selective schools nationally for students’ achievement (see coverage in the Camden New Journal and the SSAT)
  • Football Fest': Crowned Champions 

Above and beyond winners

National Above and Beyond Award winners, February 2019


Gold Potential Plus UK Award for ‘Excellent provision for students with high learning potential’, September 2019