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Parliament Hill

High Achieving andHappy

Online Safety

Access to ICT facilities is a privilege at Parliament Hill School and should be used wisely and

  • Protect your work by keeping your password to yourself; never use someone else’s logon name or password
  • If you receive an email containing material of a violent, dangerous, racist, or inappropriate content, always report such messages to a member of staff
  • Damaging, disabling, or otherwise harming the operation of computers, or intentionally wasting resources puts your work at risk, and will cut short your time with the ICT equipment
  • You should access the Internet for studying purposes or for school authorised/supervised
  • The School is aware that bullying can take place online and is committed in providing support and advice to all learners.

Please read the PHS ICT policy online . Access to the school network and internet will only be permitted once you have understood and accepted these terms. Please be aware that if you violate these provisions access will be denied and you may be subject to disciplinary action. Additional action may be taken by the school in line with existing policies regarding school behaviour.



E-safety tips, advice and resources -

Exploitation/grooming -
Criminal content -
Hate crimes -
Inappropriate media -
Scams and frauds -
Sexting -,1YEMV,8SP58O,712GH,1
Cyberbullying -