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Parliament Hill

High Achieving andHappy

Healthy Lifestyle

Parliament Hill is a high achieving and happy school which provides an outstanding education for its students. We recognise that helping our students to blossom into positive, strong, articulate young women, confident about taking up their places in a fast changing world, is a complex and specialist job. One of the ways in which we support students is by working with families to ensure students have a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Healthy food and exercise are an integral part of this.

Our students have core PE lessons in Years 7–11. In addition Year 7 students enjoy swimming and dance lessons on an additional rotation. Students have the opportunity to take either Dance or Sports leaders qualifications at KS4 and there are a considerable number of extra curricular sports clubs that run at lunchtimes and after school.

Our PSHE programme is comprehensive and taught through a mixture of Citizenship/PE lessons, tutorial periods and enrichment days. Students’ understanding of healthy relationships, careers, substance and alcohol misuse etc. is very high, our students are able to make informed choices and manage themselves effectively.

We are currently in the renewal process for the Healthy Schools’ quality mark, which we expect to receive in the next few months.

Healthy Eating

Our catering service provides healthy, well balanced meals in line with government recommendations. Students have the opportunity to eat either a hot meal or sandwiches every lunch time. There is always a range of sandwiches and at least 3 hot food choices, one of which is always vegetarian. We do not sell carbonated fizzy drinks and operate a ban on these throughout the school.

With the launch of the new Food Preparation and Nutrition department, students in Year 7 & 8 have fortnightly lessons that teach them the importance of healthy eating, planning and making healthy balanced meals. Food science and sustainability are also built into the curriculum, so that children leave school knowing how to feed themselves affordably and well. Ingredients are organised centrally by the department, so that all pupils - regardless of socioeconomic background - are engaged in learning.

We follow the government guidelines when teaching our students about the importance of healthy eating.

Please click here to access our Eat well Guide.

Packed Lunch Information

Packed Lunch Policy

A number of our students bring packed lunches from home. We encourage all students to bring packed lunches that will provide them with healthy and nutritious food that follows national standards, similar to our canteen food. Below are some guidelines on what to include in a balanced packed lunch:

Always include a piece of fruit for break and a vegetable for lunch. Ensure that both meals have a starchy carbohydrate to improve concentration eg. pasta, rice, wholemeal bread, couscous or potato.

Always include dairy food such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, fromage frais. Include a drink. Only still water, fruit juice, semi-skimmed or skimmed milk, yoghurt or milk drinks and smoothies (no carbonated drinks). Include oily fish, such as salmon, at least once every three weeks.

Packed Lunches should not include

  • Nuts and especially peanuts as there are a number of students with nut and peanut allergies.
  • Snacks such as crisps. Instead, include seeds, vegetables and fruit (with no added salt, sugar or fat). Savoury crackers or bread sticks served with fruit, vegetables or dairy food are also a good choice.
  • Confectionery such as chocolate bars, chocolate-coated biscuits and sweets. Cakes and biscuits are allowed but encourage your daughter to eat these only as part of a balanced meal.
  • Meat products such as sausage rolls, individual pies, corned meat and sausages/chipolatas - these should be included only occasionally.


Caterlink menus 

Our caterers 'Caterlink' aim to provide nutritious, healthy and freshly cooked meals. The main meat dishes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday all have a Halal meat option. Carbonated drinks are not sold on site.


Spring Menu 2025