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Parliament Hill

High Achieving andHappy

Staffing and Resources Committee

Terms of Reference

Overall purpose

To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure all the school’s resources – human, financial & premises – are used to achieve the best possible outcomes for all our students.




  1. To agree a sustainable and balanced annual budget for endorsement by the FGB in a timely manner i.e. draft budget to be reviewed, and signed off, at committee and FGB’s spring 2 meetings respectively, and submitted to Camden by May deadline
  2. To ensure the budget is allocated to support delivery of the agreed priorities to achieve the best possible outcomes for all our students.
  3. To agree the medium-term budget plan covering the following three financial years, i.e. 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25, based on the best available information.
  4. To oversee the submission of our annual and three-year budgets to the London Borough of Camden in a timely manner.
  5. To agree delegation limits with our headteacher.
  6. To receive updates on achieving target forecast student enrolments and admission numbers throughout the year.
  7. To review and improve the school’s marketing and communications activities – including website and media relations.
  8. To ensure we are making optimum use of our resources, including reviewing the school’s approach to achieving the most efficient outcomes from its staffing allocation, contracting, income earning, shared use and partnership activities.
  9. To monitor throughout the year elements of the School’s Financial Value Standard (SFVS) so it can be signed off by the chair and submitted to Camden in a timely manner.
  10. To monitor our school’s fund raising and income generation strategy and to support our fund raising activities with Parli People.
  11. To receive and respond to audit reports.




  1. To carry out those powers of the employer which are delegated to the Governing Body.
  2. To ensure all our staff are well motivated, supported and trained and are able to make an optimal contribution to the achievement of the school’s priorities and objectives.
  3. To ensure that the wellbeing of our staff remains a central concern within our school.
  4. To ensure that we are in compliance with relevant health and safety standards.
  5. To review staff recruitment and retention, attendance and absence, succession planning and professional development, and to be updated on required action.
  6. To review the annual staff survey and exit interview reports, monitoring the school’s timely and appropriate action to ensure staff wellbeing and high morale.
  7. To consider any staff restructuring proposals and refer any proposals for significant changes to the Governing Body.
  8. To discuss annual proposals covering a staff pay policy and to advise the Governing Body appropriately.
  9. To consider and review our staffing collaborations with other schools.




  1. To receive reports and proposals on the premises needs of the school and on its upkeep, maintenance and security.
  2. To consider the requirements of the school for both major and minor capital works, in the light of present and projected staff and pupil numbers, and of the curriculum policy, and refer to the local authority for consideration as part of its Capital Programme.


Members of the Staffing and Resources Committee

Vassilis Zafiris (chair)

Gill Wilson (vice chair)

Sarah Creasey (headteacher) 

Ansar Blakcori

Roger Freeman

Martyn Holman

Julie Paul

Alan Shaw