School Improvement Committee
Terms of Reference
Overall purpose
To act on matters delegated by the Full Governing Body; to liaise and consult with other committees when needed; to consider safeguarding and equalities implications when undertaking all committee functions; to act as a critical friend for teaching staff.
To monitor and evaluate the impact of the school's strategic development plan
To review, monitor and evaluate quality of the school curriculum and the school's results in national examinations
To review school policies within the school's review framework, with particular reference to Safeguarding, Sex and Relationship Education, Pupil Behaviour and School Exclusion
To monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching on the rates of pupil progress and standards of achievement
- To monitor behaviour, exclusion and attendance data and to evaluate school improvement strategies in these areas
To monitor the experience and achievement of Pupil Premium students
To monitor the experience and achievement of students with special educational needs and disability
To monitor the experience and achievements of other pupils, or pupil groups with specific vulnerabilities or problems
- To work with staff in identifying, monitoring and supporting academic departments with development needs
- To monitor the effectiveness of continuing professional development with Parliament Hill School
- To monitor school processes which aim to ensure that all children have equal opportunities
- To co-ordinate governor visits and ensure that feedback is effectively integrated into school development plans
- To monitor the school website and ensure it is compliant in meeting statutory requirements and meeting the needs of pupils and parents
- To monitor the school enrichment programme and other extra-curricular activities
- To ensure that all committee members are able to contribute effectively, when appropriate, with Ofsted inspections
- To identify and celebrate achievements of pupils
- To identify and celebrate achievements of the teaching and support staff
Members of the School Improvement Committee
Fiona Miller (chair)
John Allsop (vice chair)
Sarah Creasey (headteacher)
Sagal Abdi-Wali
Lale Baksi
Mel Charles
Emily Jones
Evie Lewis
Anke Böhme
Enrico De Vita