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Parliament Hill

High Achieving andHappy

School Improvement Committee

Terms of Reference 

Overall purpose

To act on matters delegated by the Full Governing Body; to liaise and consult with other committees when needed; to consider safeguarding and equalities implications when undertaking all committee functions; to act as a critical friend for teaching staff.


  • To monitor and evaluate the impact of the school's strategic development plan 

  • To review, monitor and evaluate quality of the school curriculum and the school's results in national examinations

  • To review school policies within the school's review framework, with particular reference to Safeguarding, Sex and Relationship Education, Pupil Behaviour and School Exclusion

  • To monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching on the rates of pupil progress and standards of achievement 

  • To monitor behaviour, exclusion and attendance data and to evaluate school improvement strategies in these areas
  • To monitor the experience and achievement of Pupil Premium students

  • To monitor the experience and achievement of students with special educational needs and disability

  • To monitor the experience and achievements of other pupils, or pupil groups with specific vulnerabilities or problems

  •  To work with staff in identifying, monitoring and supporting academic departments with development needs
  • To monitor the effectiveness of continuing professional development with Parliament Hill School
  • To monitor school processes which aim to ensure that all children have equal opportunities
  • To co-ordinate governor visits and ensure that feedback is effectively integrated into school development plans
  • To monitor the school website and ensure it is compliant in meeting statutory requirements and meeting the needs of pupils and parents
  • To monitor the school enrichment programme and other extra-curricular activities
  • To ensure that all committee members are able to contribute effectively, when appropriate, with Ofsted inspections
  • To identify and celebrate achievements of pupils
  • To identify and celebrate achievements of the teaching and support staff   

Members of the School Improvement Committee

Fiona Miller (chair)

John Allsop (vice chair)

Sarah Creasey (headteacher)

Sagal Abdi-Wali 

Lale Baksi

Mel Charles

Emily Jones

Evie Lewis

Anke Böhme

Enrico De Vita