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Parliament Hill

High Achieving andHappy

How to apply

Parliament Hill Catchment Map

The application deadline for Year 7 places for September 2025 at Parliament Hill School is 31st October 2024 via your local borough.

Open Evening & Mornings

Admissions into Year 7 (from Year 6) 

Our admissions processes follow those set out by Camden LA

Parliament Hill School is an extremely popular school and attracts many families in the community. It admits 180 students into Year 7. Applications for places at the school are made through the London Borough of Camden for students residing in Camden. Students in other London boroughs should apply through the borough in which they live. Primary headteachers have copies of the application form or they can be obtained from Camden Admissions.

Camden admissions

Islington admissions

Hackney admissions

Haringey admissions

Our Open Evening and Open Mornings in October, for prospective students and their parents, provide an opportunity for parents to meet and talk with staff and students. Our Year 9 students act as guides to show visitors round the school. Talks are given by the Headteacher on each of these dates. All admissions at Parliament Hill School follow Camden’s admissions criteria.

Below is the order in which Camden allocates places for its community schools when there are more applications than places available:

  • Children in public care (Looked After Children)
  • Applicants who have a brother or sister at the same school who will still be on roll when they join. This can include siblings in the sixth form as long as they are on roll at Parliament Hill School, and will still be on roll when the other child joins. Sibling refers to a brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as the sibling.
  • Applicants whom the Council accepts have an exceptional social or medical need for a place. 
  • Priority will be given to children whose parent is a qualified member of the teaching staff employed at the relevant school concerned for two or more years at the time of application and / or children of the teaching staff at the relevant school who has been recruited to fill a vacancy for which there a demonstrable skill shortage. This criterion would appear above the distance criteria in the community school oversubscription arrangements. 
  • Applicants who live closest to the preferred school. Proximity to schools is measured on a computerised mapping system of the area, measured in a straight line ‘as the crow flies’ between the property address to the centre of the school.
  • Camden uses the equal preference model for deciding which school is offered. This means that all school preferences are considered together and the admissions criteria administered equally for all level (rank) of preference. The rank or order of preference will only be used if it is possible to offer more than one of the preferences. The highest ranked potential offer will be offered and the lower preferences will be automatically withdrawn.


Admissions into Years 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 (In Year)

What are 'In Year' admissions?

An in-year admission means admission to a current year group for a child who is already attending a secondary school but wishes to change schools due to relocation or a change in circumstances.

If you wish to change your child's school, we would advise you to discuss your reason for moving with your daughter’s headteacher prior to making a decision. This is particularly important for children in secondary schools where a move may disrupt the courses they have begun to study.

How to apply

In-year applications can be submitted at any time, but preferably no more than six school weeks before the school place is required. The reason for this is that a school place once offered should be taken up straight away. Applications for September will be processed from mid-July onwards, but there is no deadline for applications and they can be submitted throughout the school summer holidays.

In-year admissions are coordinated through the school. Applications should be made through the school even if you live outside Camden. You can request an application form either by phoning the school 020 7485 7077 or you can download an In Year Admission Form below at bottom of this page.

Once completed, please send it to the school through the post or email to

The in-year admissions process has been devolved to schools. The LA retains its statutory obligation to provide parents with vacancy information on request.

Applications for in-year admissions to Parliament Hill School should be made directly to the school, using the school’s application form. No application will be processed until a completed application form and all necessary documentation has been supplied to the school. The school will either make an offer or add the application to the school’s waiting list. The outcome will be communicated to the parent within 20 working days of receipt of the application, in accordance with local and national guidance.

Applications for in-year admissions to Parliament Hill School should be made directly to the school, using the school’s application form.

The Camden Admissions criteria for community schools apply to in-year admissions to Parliament Hill School. The school’s waiting list is administered as stated in the Fair Access Protocol.

Should an offer be made the offer must be accepted or rejected within two weeks from the date of offer. If no reply is received then a letter will be sent stating that should there be no contact from the family within one week of the date of the letter, the offer will be withdrawn. Should an offer then be withdrawn, this will also be communicated in writing.

Should a family move or change any of their contact details whilst waiting for an offer of a place to be made, it is the responsibility of the family to notify the school of any changes. Where there has been a change of address, new proof of address must be supplied. Should a family relocate to another London Borough whilst on our waiting list, they will need to follow the application process of their residential borough, i.e. the local authority that they pay their Council Tax to. Should a family relocate, this may affect their position on our waiting list.

Any application placed on the school waiting list, will remain on the list until:

  • A school place is offered and accepted;
  • A school place is offered but no response is received and the offer is subsequently withdrawn;
  • A written request is received to be removed from our waiting list;
  • The school contacts a family to see if they wish to remain on the waiting list and no response is received (as part of an annual data clean-up).

In Camden the following safeguarding arrangements are in place to identify children missing education (CME) in line with the local authority’s statutory duty to ensure provision is made for Camden resident children. All schools are requested to ask parents/carers approaching them for a place whether or not their child has a named school place. If the child has no school place, schools are requested to complete a referral to the CME officer in the LA notifying the following information: for the child: name, address, date of birth, and for the parent/carer: name, address, telephone/mobile number(s) and email address. This information will be forwarded to the home authority if the child does not reside in Camden.

Useful links

Admission information to the LaSWAP sixth form

Camden schools admissions


Useful documents 

In Year Application Form

Mid Term Application Form Guidance Notes


  • Criterion (e) will be used as a ‘tie-breaker’ should any of the first three criteria be oversubscribed.
  • Any offer of a place on the grounds of proximity is conditional on the child being resident at the address provided at the closing date for application. A business address, a childminder’s address, or any address other than the child’s home will not be accepted. Proof of address may be sought and may be subject of further investigation.
  • Children with a statement of special educational need that specifies the school as a placement school will be allocated a place through a separate procedure, in accordance with the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice.
  • If there is only one place available at the school and the next child who qualifies for a place is one of multiple birth siblings the LA may ask the school to go over their published admission number in order to support the family where parents indicate a preference for siblings to be in the same school.
  • In the minority of cases when applicants’ distance measurements are exactly the same, in blocks of flats for instance, the computer system will order the priority of applicants.
  • A claim for a place at Parliament Hill School on the grounds of medical or social needs requires supporting evidence which sets out the particular reasons why Parliament Hill School is the most suitable school, and the difficulties that could be caused if the child were to attend another school. This will normally be in the form of a report from a suitably qualified professional, such as a doctor or social worker for example. 


You may appeal for a place at Parliament Hill School if you have applied and been refused a place. The responsibility for appeals rests with Camden LA and the appeal form should be submitted directly to them.