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We are thrilled to announce the opening of the Opportunity Centre for Camden students! Our doors will officially open on Tuesday, 25th February. 


Sign up form











RA Young Artists Summer Show - Call for Entries


"Taking inspiration from the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, the Young Artists’ Summer Show is a free, open submission exhibition for young artists aged 4–18 years studying in the UK. The project is generously supported by Robin Hambro, a passionate advocate for the importance of access to art, and the benefits of encouraging the arts, for children and young people."

Each student can submit one artwork and there is no theme. When you enter, we’ll ask for an image of the artwork plus some information about the piece such as title, size, and some text written by the artist which can include why they created the work and what it means to them.

Students who would like to submit a work of art, must bring their work to school NO LATER THAN Monday 3rd March with parent consent form. Please read submission guidelines, and if you have any questions, email your art teacher or Mrs. Perez-Vega.


Guidelines, Consent form and Poster here. (These will also be available in art dept.)

YASS Digital Poster

Submission Guidance

YASS Permission Form


Creative Health Camden

A relaxed wellbeing space for 12-18 year olds, open Fridays, with art, books and board games.

A place to hang out with friends in the gap between school and weekend. Refreshments provided. There are art materials available to make your own work, space to catch up on homework, and a badge making machine! Here are this month’s creative sessions: (workshops may be subject to last minute changes).

Text or email in advance to register, then visit us whenever you like. Find us in the Gym, ground floor, Kentish Town Health Centre, Bartholomew Road, NW5 2BX / 07523 533490

Opening times: 4pm - 5.30pm (doors open at 3.30pm)



Creative Health Camden - Youth Hub

Join us at our arty little wellbeing space. A calmer social place for 12-18 year olds. Bridging the gap between school and the weekend.

We have art materials and workshops, books and graphic novels, free refreshments, retro board games... A space to relax, catch up on homework, chat and eat noodles! Register with us, using the form on the back then find us in the gym room on Friday afternoons.

Text or email Li for our monthly programme: 07523 533490

The Gym, Kentish Town Health Centre Bartholomew Road, NW5 2BX

Every Friday from January 10th 2025 Fridays 4pm - 5.30pm - doors open from 3.30pm

Flyer and consent form




Launching Evolve

Dear Parent/Carer,


Evolve + for trips and educational visits consent


I am writing to let you know that we are implementing Evolve + to make communication more efficient and streamlined when seeking permission for students to attend trips. Instead of paper letters we will be sending information via email using Evolve. We will email details of the visit and families will be able to give electronic consent clicking a link embedded in the email. There will be a central record which will make consenting for trips more efficient reducing the need for paper permission slips.


We will trial with Year 8 families for Enrichment on Friday 7th February and then use this new system across the school. Our intention is to make communication for educational visits, on-site activities, after school clubs and sports fixtures paper free.


There is a website with an overview of all trips your child is attending. In the email you receive to give consent, at the top right corner is an icon that says “create account”. This will lead you to the MyEvolve page and the create an account page. If you create an account you can see the details of all your child’s trips. When receiving a new consent email for a new trip you can still give consent in the email without logging in.


We will email families for permission as standard and provide paper copies of the letter if needed or requested. Evolve is already used by 28,000 schools across the UK and we hope that this new method eliminates risk of missing forms in schoolbags reducing unnecessary waste and increasing efficiency for all.


Please do contact me should you have any queries.


With best wishes,

 Laura Acton

Acting Senior Leader - Enrichment and Careers

Teacher of Drama

020 7485 7077 ext 243