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Parliament Hill

High Achieving andHappy

Fortnum & Mason CEO talks business and sustainability

On 17 January, we were delighted to welcome Ewan Venters to speak to our GCSE and 6th Form Business Studies students as part of our Careers Education Programme. The Parli Climate Action Group also attended to learn more about how businesses are tackling environmental challenges.

Ewan spoke about his career; his start at Sainsbury’s, as a citrus fruit buyer, at Selfridges and finally Fortnum & Mason. Leah Mcintosh-Wynter in year 11 asked him whether Fortnum and Mason sold any fairtrade products and if not, why?  Bea Ramsden in year 7 asked which companies he saw as his biggest competition in terms of carbon dioxide emissions reduction? Skye Telfer-O’Beirne asked whether their commitment to ethical practices and the environment was real or just good for business. Razan Ghalayini in year 12 asked Ewan to explain more about the role of a CEO.  Discussions covered topics such as; work life balance, the growth of e-commerce, apprenticeships and the Fortnum & Mason ‘Cheese Academy’! 

It was an extremely interesting talk and discussion and Ewan remarked on how impressed he was with our students. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Speakers for Schools to bring more fascinating people and careers to the attention of our students.

Rachel Urquhart
Assistant Headteacher/Team Leader Geography + Sociology