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Parliament Hill

High Achieving andHappy

Parli leads the way

Parliament Hill was delighted to achieve the status of ‘Leading’ in the Challenge Partners Review at the start of this half term. Do have a look at the report summary below

Challenge Partners Review of Parli 2020

Who are Challenge Partners?

Challenge Partners schools work together, helping each other develop excellent teaching alongside opportunities for learners to gain the skills, confidence and qualifications needed to progress successfully to the next stage in their education and access aspirational careers. As well as the most successful school leaders sharing innovative practice, each school is reviewed annually by a team of school leaders led by an Ofsted Inspector.

Parliament Hill School is leading

Quality of provision and outcomes

“The school’s history of high outcomes is directly attributable to the quality of the teaching students receive, which is of an exceptional standard. Teachers have deep, confident subject knowledge which heightens students’ understanding, resulting in lesson content that is stimulating and exciting.”


“The school is expertly led by a passionate and experienced headteacher whose vision demands that all students deserve the best possible life chances. This vision is shared by her talented senior leadership team and, together, they relentlessly pursue this goal.”

Outcomes for the disadvantaged

“The school has a very strong culture of inclusion and offers wide-ranging intervention programmes. Students respond very positively to the consistent inclusive, nurturing approach by all staff [who] form warm relationships with students and build positive relationships with parents.

Area of excellence

Securing excellent outcomes for High Potential Learners

The school has captured the following awards. In May 2018, PHS became the first secondary school in the country to achieve Potential Plus UK Gold Award. In February 2019, PHS won two Above and Beyond national awards: Effective Provision for Young People with HLP and Inspirational Extra-Curricular Provision.  In 2019, the school also secured the SSAT Educational Outcomes Award for being placed in the top 10% nationally for educational outcomes in non-selective schools.