Congratulations to Year 13!
The government has recently announced that year 11 and 13 students will be given final grades based on their teacher predictions (centre assessed grades). We will post further news of these results once received from examination boards.
In the meantime, we would like to congratulate students and staff for how well they have managed the unprecedented situation we have faced this year.
We are extremely proud of all of our students who have worked tremendously hard throughout their time with us to achieve excellent results this summer. We are delighted to report that the profile of results across the La SWAP consortium reflect our strong performance in previous years and we are very pleased to see an increase in the proportion of students achieving A* and A*-B.
We were very happy to spend the day with students celebrating their academic successes and next steps as they take up competitive places at prestigious universities across the country.
A number of students, who have been with us at Parliament Hill for the past 7 years have secured outstanding progression routes. Eleanor Goldthorpe is off to Oxford to read History, Katie Gurney will read Social Anthropology at Sussex whilst Ivy Phillips is going to Chelsea Art College to pursue and Art Foundation course. A number of students are on their way to study medicine including Riona Travna at UCL and Georgia Laco who is going to Brighton Medical University.
Eleanor has said of her time at in the 6th form:
LaSWAP has provided me with the support and confidence to achieve my academic goals. The dedication, care and support of my teachers made LaSWAP a special place to be.
Students who were new to the school who have done equally well, thriving during their time here and also progressing to a number of outstanding destinations. Alfie Plant, is off to Edinburgh to read Maths and Economics, Lucas Hern will be studying Geography at Manchester and Rose Jeffs has secured a place at Bristol to read Liberal Arts.
Alfie said:
I picked LaSWAP based on a gut feeling that I would love it and left having had a fulfilling and enjoyable two years. To meet so many mature and similar minded people, teachers included, made the relationships I built over the two years so special. I am thankful to have been part of the sixth and will never forget my time here.