Year 11 celebrate GCSE success
Thursday 24 August saw lots of excited Year 11 students collecting their GCSE results and celebrating tremendous success.
Their achievements are very well-deserved: this cohort have risen brilliantly to the challenge of the new qualifications in English & Maths and worked very hard at all of their GCSE courses. 75% of students achieved at least a new Level 4 grade ( a standard pass) in both English & Maths - the best ever results for this combined measure. Also in English 86% of students achieved at least a Level5 (a strong pass).
We saw 27 students achieve the new top Level 9 in English and 8 in Maths. Again a fantastic achievement for these individuals. Indeed, our top grade success was again a notable feature of the results with 36 percent of grades across the board at A/A* or new Levels7-9.
We congratulate all these young women on their determination to do their best and aim high. They have bright futures ahead.
We also thank the group of talented and enthusiastic teachers who worked supportively with them all to ensure every student made strong progress, regardless of their different starting points.