Useful Links

Useful Links

Parliament Hill

High Achieving andHappy

Online Safety

TikTok Parent Factsheet

The educational and social benefits for children in using the internet should be promoted, but this should be balanced against the need to safeguard children against the inherent risks from internet technology. It’s important for schools to teach students how to keep themselves safe whilst on-line.

All members of the Parliament Hill School community sign an Acceptable Use Agreement.

Students and staff sign this annually.  Parents sign this at the admissions interview when their daughter joins our school community.

A copy of the student Acceptable Use policy can be found on page 38 of the school's online policy. 

The school’s online safety policy can be found here. 


The office of the Children’s Commissioner has produced a parent guide for talking to your child about online sexual harassment. It can be found here.


E-Safety Information for Parents


We ran two successful online safety training sessions for parents in school. Please find a link below to the resources that were part of the pack handed out.
Advice and Reporting

Internet Matters Secondary School Guide

Parents and Carers Resource Sheet


Citizenship Campaign

Four of our current Year 11 Citizenship students are running a campaign aiming to educate parents about the effects that social media has on young people. They have put together a brilliant article. This research is for their coursework, and as part of their action is now included in a parental bulletin and on our website for parents to read:

Year 11 Citizenship Campaign - Social Media Awareness



Sources of Support for Families

There is a lot of information available in order to help families and young people stay safe in the online world. Sometimes it can feel like there is too much information and it’s difficult to navigate. Below are some useful sources of information and support.

Safer Internet – sources of support for young people and families on lots of online related issues, including bullying, gaming, parental controls 

Think U Know and CEOPs – The National Crime Agency’s resource for online sexual abuse. Has dedicated parent sections, including a new series of videos called #AsktheAwkward

Parent Zone – provide helpful guides on lots of aspects of the online world such as Instagram, cryptocurrency and TikTok.  

NSPCC – lots of specific online safety advice, covering a broad range of topics, including sexting, pornography, parental controls, mental wellbeing etc. 

Camden Online Safety Guide for Parents 

Get Safe Online – a source of support for information about viruses, hacking and online security