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Parliament Hill

High Achieving andHappy

PTA - Parli People


Hello from Parli People!  

We are Parliament Hill School’s parent and family association. We’re here to support Parli’s staff and students, bring Parli families together to strengthen our brilliant school community, and raise funds for programmes and items that enrich the school experience.  

If you are a Parliament Hill School family, you’re already a member of Parli People. Everyone is welcome. We celebrate and uphold the school’s principles of inclusive, positive and supportive community. 

How to get involved: 

  • Email us at to sign up for our newsletter, and hear about meetings, events, and volunteer opportunities. 
  • Send us your views and ideas, come to a meeting or event. 
  • Donate to Parli People. You can donate to our latest fundraising appeal on Parent Pay, or email to get our bank details. 

We are on Facebook and Instagram