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Parliament Hill

High Achieving andHappy

Sixth Form 


Parliament Hill sixth form works along side three other local schools (La Sainte Union, William Ellis and Acland Burghley) to form LaSWAP Consortium.  LaSWAP is the largest sixth form in Camden and the longest-established sixth form consortium in London. A more comprehensive explanation of how LaSWAP works is found in our Memorandum of Understanding.

LaSWAP provides a brilliant mid-way step between school and the world beyond.  It operates as a campus with students able to travel easily between school sites.  

What is so special about LaSWAP? 

LaSWAP is comprised of the the sixth forms from four local Camden Schools. 

  • LaSainte Union 
  • William Ellis 
  • Acland Burghley 
  • Parliament Hill  

Students are based at one of the four schools, with a Tutor and Head of Year who is responsible for their pastoral care and academic achievement.  They will normally take at least one, and probably more, of their courses in this base school but may also have a subject taught at one of the other schools.  

Proven Track Record 

We have 50 years of experience in providing a first-class post-16 education. LaSWAP combines the strengths of its four partner schools to offer a wide ranging curriculum comprising of over 30 A levels, level 3 Vocational Courses and level 2 BTECs.  

We are incredibly proud of how out students achieve and where these achievements take them and below you can see some of our good news stories highlighting our destinations.  Year on year the significant majority of our students go on to university, with above the national average attending Russell Group Universities.   

A more detailed break down of our results are found here as well our ‘Good News Stories’ from the summer.


Challenge through high quality teaching 

We are lucky to have a team of over 200 highly qualified specialist teachers who provide consistently excellent teaching.   


Broad and innovative curriculum 

Students benefit from our unique A level curriculum offer with over 35 subjects being taught across the 4 schools.  Our ability to work closely together means that students can study any choice of subjects in almost any combination, providing they meet the entry requirements.  We have a range of Vocational qualifications that run alongside these courses and are starting to launch a Technical qualification as well.  Here is an overview of our pathways.

A comprehensive breakdown of these qualifications including course content and assessment procedures are found on the LaSWAP website: LaSWAP Sixth Form Consortium - Curriculum.

We are an oversubscribed sixth form and as such have rigorous entry requirements that are in place to help students succeed in their chosen course. We firmly follow these: LaSWAP Sixth Form Consortium - Summary of course entry requirements.


Personal Development:

LaSWAP welcomes students as individuals and values the significance they bring to our rich and diverse school community.  Whilst in the sixth form, students have the opportunity to develop personally and academically through the taught tutorial programme and our rich extra curricular offer.  An example of this is found on the LaSWAP website  

Our fortnightly newsletters also highlight the range of activities that our school community are involved in.   

LaSWAP provides the flexibility of a college but with the individual care of a school community.  Students are all able to receive excellent advice and guidance on future opportunities through their tutors and one to one bespoke guidance from a highly qualified team of higher Education advisors.  

As a result of excellent curriculum planning and pastoral care, we are confident that our programmes of study: 

 -       Provides exceptional choice and expert teaching, supporting students to progress onto their chosen destinations regardless of their starting points.  

-       Supports all students to experience academic success through the acquisition of powerful knowledge and transferable skills.

-       Develops curious students who are principled and open minded and eager to engage with the world around them. 

-       Ensures that all students emerge as lifelong and reflective learners who are active citizens in the communities in which they live, learn and work.

-       Empowers students to make principled decisions that secure healthy relationships that keep them physically and emotionally safe.

-       Ensure students are self-aware, mature individuals who are confident to articulate their views, value diversity and engage constructively with those who have alternative perspectives.

-       Ensures that students are able to confidently move on to the next stage of life, proud of their place in the world and empowered to participate.


What our students say 

  • “The teachers make our lessons interesting.” 
  • “My ideas are never rejected. I am always told how I can make them possible.” 

  • “I feel challenged in every subject.” 

  • “My tutor cares - which is really motivating – to know that you are worth it.” 

  • “The guidance prepares you not only for higher education and careers, but for life as a whole.” 

  • “Volunteering involved me in things I would not necessarily have done.” 

  • “There’s no sense of hierarchy between students. They’re friendly and open and so diverse.” 

  • “LASWAP offers lots of different courses meaning there is literally something for everyone.” 

  • “Choosing subjects taught in other LASWAP schools has enabled me to meet lots of new people and given me more confidence.” 

  • “Teachers all want us to do our best and push us to our full potential.” 

  • “I can talk to any of my teachers about difficulties and they are always helpful.” 

Contact us on: 020 7482 9829









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