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High Achieving andHappy

Exams Information


Exam results

Exam results. Congratulations to Year 11 - August 2024

Exam News. Congratulations to Year 13 - August 2024 

Ham & High Exam News - Aug 2024 Camden Rise Article

Camden students celebrate A-level and vocational results day 2024 Camden website, main press release

Camden Rise Young people's Website Article



Ramadan and Exams Advice


Exam Collection Dates:

A Level - 15th August 2024 (TBC) - 9:30am - LaSWAP Building

GCSE - 22nd August 2024 (TBC) - 9:00am - Morant Hall


School Centre number: 10254

Examination officer contact details:







Consultation on how GCSE, AS and A level grades should be awarded in summer 2022 - GOV. Link



Exam Information For Students


The work you submit for assessment must be your own and you will be asked to sign a declaration of authentication to say it is your own work.

You must not copy from someone else – this includes copying the work of a classmate, sibling or from the internet - or allow another candidate to copy from you.

You will be given further information about conduct in examinations and formal assessments from the Joint Council for Qualifications or you can access it yourself from their website.


These rules apply to all KS4 examinations and above and are derived from the rules for public examinations set by the Joint Council for Qualifications.

  • You must be on time for your exams
  • You must wear your ID badge
  • You must not become involved in any unfair or dishonest practice as part of the examination
  • You may take into the examination room only the materials and equipment you are allowed
  • You may not have any writing, decorative or otherwise, on your body
  • Your equipment must be in a see-through pencil case. You may only use a calculator if permitted in the exam
  • You must not take into the examination room any unauthorised materials or equipment such as notes, MP3/4 players, I-pods, mobile phones or internet communication devices. If you take it to your place, even if you do not intend to use it, you are breaking examination rules and you may be subject to disqualification
  • Invigilators may ask to check that you have no earphones in your ears as you go into the exam. If your ears are not easily visible exam staff may ask you to show them your ears. A private room may be arranged on request.
  • You need to write with black ink and you cannot use correction fluid or colours on your answer paper unless this is specified
  • You must not talk or communicate with other candidates in any way with other candidates until you have been dismissed and are outside the examination room. You must not disturb other candidates during the exam
  • You cannot borrow equipment from other candidates during the exam
  • If you leave the examination hall unsupervised you will not be allowed back in to the examination room
  • You must remove all labels from drink bottles before you take them into the exam room
  • You are not permitted to leave to go to the toilet during exams less than one hour in length
  • You must follow the instructions and requests of the invigilators. You may not leave the examination room without their permission


     Breaking any of these rules is malpractice. The school is obliged to report malpractice to the examination body and the examination body will decide on the penalty.

    Be polite to invigilators and fully co-operate. Not following their instructions is malpractice and you could get disqualified for it. Being rude to staff during exams is malpractice and you could get disqualified for it.