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Parliament Hill

High Achieving andHappy

Specialist Support

Student Reception

The Attendance Team at Parliament Hill School are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of students.

Our Information and Assessment Officers monitor that registers are taken accurately and promptly, the team update staff with information from families regarding absences and illnesses.


The Special and Additional Needs Team currently comprises of the SENDCo, Specific Learning Difficulties teacher, Additional Educational Needs Teacher, teaching assistants and SEMH mentor.

We work with vulnerable students to ensure a positive transition from primary to secondary school through our transition programme and liaison with families and primary schools. 

There is a graduated response to supporting students including quality first teaching, in class support and small group work, as well as one to one work and liaison with outside agencies for those young people requiring a higher level of support.  

For further information please see our SEND information report/ Local Offer document here.

Contact: Yinka Fox SENDCo

Wellbeing Counselling Service

Our wellbeing counselling service supports students' emotional wellbeing and mental health. This pioneering service offers individual psychotherapy, art therapy, and access to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). 

Each therapy session lasts 50 minutes and sessions take place once a week during lesson time. The service is open to students from all year groups, including sixth form. Our therapists are either fully qualified or completing their training. All our therapists are carefully selected for their experience and are professionally managed and supervised.

To access the wellbeing counselling service please contact the ATL.

Contact: Neera Dhingra, Wellbeing Manager and Child, Adolescent & Family Psychotherapist

The School Nurse

School Nurses provide a range of services that promote the good health and wellbeing of school aged children and young people. School Nurses support schools to ensure that children and young people with disabilities or long term medical conditions (e.g. asthma, diabetes epilepsy, allergies) have access to their education and reach their full learning potential.  School Nurses are also able to signpost children and young people into additional specialist services to ensure that they receive the health care they need and provide confidential advice concerning young people’s health issues. 


SENDIASS Camden is an impartial, confidential and free service for the families of children with SEND. Families can self-refer to this service or speak to the school SENDCO if they would like school to make a referral.

Help & Counselling

How To Get Urgent Support - Children and Young People